Programs Integrated Care Management (ICM)
What is Integrated Care Management (ICM)?
ICM is a service available through the Medicaid Fee for Service (FFS) program to help facilitate the community-based service planning process. An assigned Case Manager works with individuals and their families, service providers and other agencies to integrate services from multiple providers and funding streams into an integrated plan of care.
The primary goal of community-based services is to provide the support services necessary for individuals with disabilities to live healthy and safe lives at home and be a part of their community.
Role of the Case Manager
Case Managers work with individuals and their families to coordinate medical, social, educational, housing needs, transportation, vocational and other necessary services and supports into an integrated plan of care. Responsibilities include:
- Assistance with navigating the service system and gaining access to services
- Coordination of services using multiple service providers/agencies; establishing crisis plans to meet the health and safety needs of the consumers served
- Securing/managing funding for services
- Working with the individual, their parent(s)/guardian; other members of the service team to develop an individualized integrated care plan
- Coordination and monitoring of ongoing services; monitoring progress towards goals in the care plan as well as the health and safety of each consumer served
- Monitoring the individual to assess the health, safety, and wellbeing of the individual
Provider Qualifications
- Accredited by 441 Iowa Administrative Code – Chapter 24: Accreditation of Providers
- Meets all training, staff qualifications and other state/federal requirement for case management care coordination.
Populations served by the County Social Services ICM program include individuals who are eligible for the following:
- Intellectual Disability Waiver
- Brain Injury Waiver
- Health and Disability Waiver
- Physical Disability Waiver
- Elderly Waiver
- Individuals who meet the criteria for development disability and for Integrated Care Management
- Participant in the Medicaid Fee for Service Program
For more information please contact:
Raina Kellogg, ICM Supervisor
(641) 257-6199
Carolyn Edgar, Case Manager
(641) 525-0035